
Callisto has no current vacancies.

However, we are always interested to hear from good people looking for new career opportunities with the right skills and experience. So, if you have knowledge of working in an energy supply business on industry data flows, or within a NHHDC and you know BSCP 504, why a D0019 is critical to the settlement process and why you should avoid erroneous AAs and EACs we'd be interested in hearing from you. Please fill in the form below with a detailed CV and we'll be in touch.

using the latest technolagy.

Experts in settlement performance - since our market inception, we’ve consistently demonstrated an exemplary record, with a robust settlement process that complements our customers best practice for customer services and billing.

Ensuring data security is at the core of our operations. We ensure the integrity and security of customer information by designing security into our systems and processes. This is further supported through the use of secure data centres. 

Our Data Management services are delivered with a comprehensive quality assurance commitment. Business management processes are certified to ISO 9001 and information security management systems are certified to ISO 27001 providing complete security assurance.